Ck2 Agot Valyrian Armor Rating: 4,3/5 3002 reviews

CK2 AGOT Trait List. A guest Oct 25th, 2015 2,093 Never Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks. 248 valyriansteel. 251 longclaw. 252 blackfyre. 253 lightbringer. 254 brightroar. 255 longclawsnow. 256 heartsbane. 257 nightfall. 258 darksister. 259 ladyforlorn. A Quick Refresher on the Catspaw Dagger. The dagger’s owner is a mystery that has persisted since Season 1. When Catelyn came to King’s Landing to make inquiries about the dagger, Littlefinger claimed the dagger had once been his. During a tournament, he claimed, he had made a bet with Tyrion in which he backed Jaime in a joust against Loras Tyrell.

  1. Ck2 Agot Valyrian Magic
  2. Ck2 Agot Dragon Cheat
  3. Ck2 Agot Valyrian Steel Armor

262-263 AC, Various places in Essos.-'When you say Essos, my Prince, what do you mean exactly?' 'Not all of Essos, of course, just the Free Cities.'

-Ser Manly Stokesworth and Prince Aerys Targaryen, 262 AC-262 AC at sea on the way to Volantis.The pirate ship was just more nimble and swift than the more merchant focused ship that the Prince and his friend was on, there would be no escaping it.' Was this what you had in mind when you decided on this trip?' Ser Manly asked as he unlimbered his sword and kept a wary eye on the pirate ship that was closing in while under frankly anemic missile fire from their own ship.' Prince Aerys said as he gripped Blackfyre in his right hand while wrapping his left around a rope tied off to the mast, 'But at this point, we can either fight or scream and piss ourselves! Best brace yourself there Manly, this is about to get rocky.' Manly scrambled to brace himself as the pirate ship crashed into the side of their own, rocking the ship and knocking a good few of the crew from their feet. Even as they began to recover, the pirates began leaping aboard weapons ready.Prince Aerys leaped forward, sweeping a shield into his off hand, Blackfyre flashing.

'Come on you whoresons!' He roared, 'Come and see how a dragon kills!' Manly moved to support his Prince and friend, who was even then sweeping his Valyrian steel sword through pirate flesh with the ease of a heated knife through grease, and laughing.'

Fire and Blood, you fuckers!' The Prince laughed, drunk with bloodlust, 'FIRE AND BLOOD!' Sitting on a formerly pirate owned crate of wine on the deck of the ship, Aerys was carefully cleaning the blood from Blackfyre as he watched the pirate ship, now reduced to a floating torch, recede into the distance.' All right there Manly?' He called back to his friend.' Seems like it, I still have all my bits and most of my blood is still on the right side of my skin' Manly called back to him from where he was laying on the deck, still catching his breath.' Sounds good,' Aerys replied, cracking his neck 'I was impressed, you definitely lived up to what my father said about you, when we get to Volantis I'll find a way to properly thank you for your courage.'

-Early 263 AC, Lys.-Manly and Aerys huddled close together at a corner table in a dockside tavern, speaking in low tones.' Look, I have no idea why this Qohorik smith is here, but he has the armor, and it is real Valyrian steel.

He's even willing to engrave the Targaryen crest into it!' Aerys told his friend urgently.' The price is breathtaking though Aerys, it'll empty your coffers!' Manly said back, thinking of the truly princely sum the smith had named.'

It'll empty them yes, but I can get more money, this is a legacy' Aerys said with burning eyes 'This will be a solid and indestructible reminder of me for all the generations to come. Also, it's armor made of Valyrian steel! Nearly impenetrable armor Manly!' Manly dropped his face into his hand, reaching for the wine.

'You've already decided Aerys, let's just finish our drinks and go.' .This screenshot uber-sucked, but it was the only one from the Lys-Volantis-Tyrosh-Myr part of the trip that was at all usable and even then not much, I lost soooo many of the pics from this session. Still extremely pissed about it.-263 AC, PentosLeaning against the wall outside the townhouse of his latest conquest, Aerys was paying a great deal of attention to a collection of merchants talking animatedly at a nearby outdoor cafe'.' Do you hear them Manly?' Aerys directed at his friend, who was currently experimenting with some spiced meat on a stick he'd gotten from a street vendor.' Yes, but I don't understand a word of it, as you well know.' Manly shot back while choking a bit on the spiciness of the skewer in his hand.'

Ah, my poor uneducated friend,' Aerys said while smirking obnoxiously, 'I am a Targaryen, of the blood of the dragonlords, Valyrian is my mother tongue.' 'Did you actually just say that?' Manly said while looking askance at his friend.' Oh shut up and watch.' Aerys shot back as he pushed off from the wall and walked over to the merchants.-263 AC, Braavos'Honestly, Braavos was pretty much a low point of the trip, I didn't pick up a lover like in Volantis, find treasure as I did in Lys, or even find a fling and a trade deal like in Pentos.

There was a nice feast at the home of the Sealord though, and I quite enjoyed the sight of the Titan and the tour of the Arsenal we had.Hmm? Oh, Tyrosh and Myr?


The wine was flowing, I barely remember them at all.' -Aerys II Targaryen.-263 AC, Norvos'Do you hear what they're saying?'

Runewars miniatures game review. Aerys asked over the rim of his mug of nasha, looking at the local toughs that were leering at the two of them in the dimness of the tavern.' Not really, my Valyrian is still shit, and they're drunk.' Manly said in return, still contemplating whether or not the nasha was to his taste.' Ah, but as you know-' Aeryes began.' Yes, yes, Valyrian is your mother tongue.' Manly cut him off, coming to his feet, 'Let's just do this, shall we?' Aerys swirled the nasha in his mug, before meditatively taking another swallow of it.'

Ck2 Agot Valyrian Magic

I think I like this stuff, we're taking some back to Dragonstone with us.' -Late 263 AC, Qohor'Qohor was a truly exotic place, in truth I can't say more about it than you could read in a dozen travelogues. I could ramble on about the sight and smell of the ceremonies for the Black Goat, or the marvels of smithcraft, but the thing that will stick with me is Chakki.A Drothraki girl, can you imagine it? As a man of Westeros, the Drothraki were nothing but a tale heard from travelers. Oh what a rare peach she was!' -Aerys II Targaryen-From there, the journey to the exotic East ended. The two friends returned home, their entourage larger, including two women that Aerys slipped in among them and a bastard son spawned in Pentos and pawned off on them during the journey home during a stopover back in Pentos.Horizions thus expanded, the two friends headed home.

Click to expand.Foreign tours are usually the easy button for fun and adventure. Now he has to go home and deal with his life.

He also took out a loan to afford that armor, blowing all his money in the process. If it weren't for the trade deal in Pentos, he'd be in the red right now. Bigtime.Blew the hospital building money on that shit, I hope no epidemics break out.Sadly, his freewheeling days are likely about to end, last time I glanced at the king, he was less than healthy and has been running the kingdom a bit eccentrically, to say the least. Here are various characters of note at the end of the trip to Essos.First up is Aerys,20 years old and fresh off of his trip to the Free Cities, he's not a superman in any department, but he's not crippled either. He got at least one diplomacy boost during his trip and, of course, that absolutely badass Valyrian steel armor.The loan he had to take out to cover it is going to be a thorn in my side until it's taken care of, but at least I can be sure that Aerys is too busy buffing up the shine on the Targaryen crest on his magic armor to give a fuck.And oh my God am I glad he got that trade deal in Pentos! While buying the armor was a very Aerys thing to do due to his pride, his pride would have bankrupted him in short order if it hadn't been for that infusion of cash.By the way, is it just me, or is there something vaguely menacing about that nickname?Next up, The Laughing Dragon's bride.Yep! Whilst her husband was away, Rhaella apparently picked up some courage while on the tournament circuit.

Which has made her Martial climb into the 'badass Kingsguard' bracket and her duel skill up to 8. The woman is becoming genuinely frightening. She's not as balanced in the all-around as Aerys is, but she's much more likely to be capable of conquering a kingdom.And yes, she's pregnant again and it most likely is Aerys'.The firstborn, from the fires of Summerhall.While not the monster his cousin Ormund is, Rhaegar is no joke even as a four year old.

Unusually for a toddler, he has three military command traits to go with his good looks and quick mind. Like his siblings, he has yet to go through the 'Targaryen coin flip' so we'll see if he picks up some crazy to go with his good stats.Next, the twins:They're two years old still, so there's not a lot to say about them except to not that they too are Quick, which is a damn fine showing, eugenically speaking. I'm still up in the air as to whether or not to marry Visenya to Rhaegar or not, but there's a bit of time yet.

Ck2 Agot Dragon Cheat

If she gets a bad hit off the coin flip, I may end up looking elsewhere for Rhaegar's bride.Finally, the fourth legit kid:While young Viserys doesn't have the military command traits like Rhaegar, he does have the Quick and Attractive traits and is really an endorsement of the king's interpretation of the woods witch's prophecy, because damn have Aerys and Rhaella made some awesome kids thus far.And now, the bastards!First up is Maekar, Aerys' nephew-son and Steffon's half-brother. He's not as pretty as some of his half-siblings, but the kid has got serious badass potential.Then we have Haegon, the byblow of Aerys' affair in Pentos, who again demonstrates Aerys' genetic jackhammer status by having full High Valyrian looks and the Quick trait.(I have no idea why a non legitimized bastard has the Targaryen name, it's probably a glitch and might yet work itself out.)In the next post, I'll take a quick look at Aerys' friends and the monster that is Ormund Baratheon. 'The Laughing Dragon.' I'm trying to figure out if that was supposed to be an ironic nickname, or if it was meant to be serious.

Ck2 Agot Valyrian Steel Armor

Regardless, Aerys seems to be having good things (besides Tywin) happen to him in this playthrough. I mean, his wife is equal to Visenya (without Dark Sister) right now and is only weaker because of that -2 modifier thanks to Pregnancy. Aerys even has a suit of Valaryian Steel armor for himself and his descendants. The Targareyans now have something else that literally no one else on Westeros can claim to have.