Ufw Error: Problem Running Rating: 3,8/5 8130 reviews

Root@piplite:/# ufw enableFirewall started and enabled on system startuproot@piplite:/# sudo /etc/init.d/ufw force-reload. Stopping firewall: ufw. OK.

  1. Ufw Error: Problem Running Boards
  2. Ufw Error Problem Running Ip6tables
  3. Ufw Error: Problem Running Video

Starting firewall: ufw. Iptables-restore: line 71 failed. Problem running '/etc/ufw/before.rules'. Iptables-restore: line 34 failed. Problem running '/etc/ufw/after.rules'.

It goes a litle bit like this (i quote here the sudo ufw status response, iptables has similar problems, which makes sense i guess): WARN: uid is 0 but'/' is owned by 1000 WARN / is group writable! The server running the VPN is causing some issues as ufw d. Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 175 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn. ERROR: problem running ufw-init ip6tables-restore: line 2 failed I've been struggling with this issue for a.

Root@piplite:/# ufw disableFirewall stopped and disabled on system startuproot@piplite:/# ufw enableERROR: problem running init scriptroot@piplite:/# ufw enableFirewall started and enabled on system startuproot@piplite:/# /etc/init.d/ufw restart. Skipping restart (not enabled)root@piplite:/# ufw enableFirewall started and enabled on system startuproot@piplite:/# /etc/init.d/ufw restart. Stopping firewall: ufw. OK. Starting firewall: ufw. Iptables-restore: line 71 failed.

Problem running '/etc/ufw/before.rules'. Iptables-restore: line 34 failed. Problem running '/etc/ufw/after.rules'.

fail# don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these rules won't be processedCOMMIT. Apt-get purge rsyslogapt-get install syslog-ngsyslog-ng will log to /var/log/messages and /var/log/kern.log but not /var/log/ufw.logWith those work arounds, you can try ufw. You will still get some error messages from ufw-init re: iptables-restore. I do not know how to fix that.That is about as far as I can get you if you want to use UFW as I personally use iptables.Others have suggested using shorewall as an alternate (to ufw).With ufw you sometimes need to toggle the defaults, then ufw will start.

Folks,Appreciate UFW is a front end for IP tables do hope someone can offer help.I have a Pi that merely acts as a server, no screen etc. Main function is media and web server.Now, experimenting with UFW to get an understanding I've kept default policy (so far) and added allow SSH. That appeared to work successfully.Now, to test I entered DENY TO (a machine on my network), restarted the firewall, issued STATUS and my allow SSH from all showed as did DENY TO from all showed.My Pi was still able to connect to that machine using wget to obtain a file.Obviously something wrong.Geffers.

Ufw Error: Problem Running Boards

Geffers wrote:Working now, had to issue DENY OUT TOFor some reason the 'out' made the difference.iptables has a number of places it puts rules and in a server to two of most interest are filter/INPUT and filter/OUTPUT. The INPUT rule will only affect traffic going into the pi and OUTPUT obviously traffic leaving the pi. ( i think ufw ends up creating a load of other tables so it can maintain things but they'll all end up being called from either INPUT or OUTPUT)Your first rules probably only affected the input rule so wouldn't block any traffic going out to the tv. On the INPUT side there's usually a rule early on to allow ESTABLISHED and RELATED traffic back in. This would have matched the return packets from your tv this would have been matched before the block rule you added.

Ufw Error Problem Running Ip6tables

Your original rule would likely have stopped the tv initiating a connection to the pi. Geffers wrote:Working now, had to issue DENY OUT TOFor some reason the 'out' made the difference.On the INPUT side there's usually a rule early on to allow ESTABLISHED and RELATED traffic back in. This would have matched the return packets from your tv this would have been matched before the block rule you added. Your original rule would likely have stopped the tv initiating a connection to the pi.Thank you for good explanation, guessed it was something like that but couldnt quite understand it.Is there an order, does it obey the first match or last?Thought I read somewhere it obeys the first but default is deny all in but you can then allow connection so am assuming it obeys last rule.Geffers. Code:: $ sudo iptables -nvLChain INPUT (policy DROP 13338 packets, 938K bytes)pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination1522K 128M ACCEPT all -. ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED51 2856 ACCEPT icmp -.

Ufw Error: Problem Running Video

Running 24180 ACCEPT all - lo. 397K ACCEPT tcp -. ctstate NEW tcp dpt:220 0 ACCEPT udp -. ctstate NEW udp dpts:4 TTL match TTL.