Ck2 Demesne Too Big Rating: 3,6/5 6159 reviews

My most successful game thus far had me starting as a Duke in Wales, ended up Emperor of Brittania after 200 years (ruling from my capital of Venice), and holding the Kingdoms of Egypt and Jerusalem due to a number of holy wars and a Crusade (which was funny, because I had just started a holy war against the Fatamid when the Pope decided to Crusade against them for Jerusalem. I had to hurry up and finish my war, get my troops home, and then ask to help the pope with his crusade, despite the fact that I was already fighting the same people OVER SOME OF THE SAME LAND.)Now, I was pretty big, what with taking Poland, Castille, and Navarra (held by the same guy, and the kingdom spread deep into Africa).

  1. Ck2 Demesne Too Big Penalty
  2. Ck2 Demesne Too Big Island
  3. Ck2 Demesne Too Big Bang

With the latest Holy Fury DLC, Paradox Interactive's 2012 grand strategy game, Crusader Kings 2, now has 15 major expansions, and for someone who's either just getting into the game today or wants to pick it back up, it can be terribly daunting to try and figure out which, if any, of those expansion packs is worth the money and which ones are just going to add features that you'll never use. Oct 22, 2017  What do I do if I receive a Demesne too Big alert? I tried bribing them, but my vassals' opinion aren't improving that much. What do I do specifically? Also worth mentioning that I'm a noob at this game, so I don't know every menu of the interface of the game. Showing 1-5 of 5 comments. I just got the message that my demesne is too big. I found out that this is because I can't handle the amount of holdings I have. I would like to give one away to a vassal but I can't find the menu where I can do this.

But the HRE was bigger, taking Andalusia in a Crusade against heretic. Venezians, I believe.

One of the trading houses. Also they had France. I'm buddy buddy with the pope, so I start assassinating emperors with my freakishly competent spymaster (31 Intrigue!) until I get one that the pope dislikes enough to condone an invasion against. One invasion later, I'm sitting at 102/11 holdings in my demense. My game keeps crashing on the same date 12. I'm playing in the GoT mod started as a minor Lord and just married my only daughter and heir in a matrilineal marriage with the heir to dorne and have payed the assassins dudes for one free kill and now this happens.Things that I've tried:Reinstalling the gameReinstalling the modvalidating the game filesChanging from windowed to fullscreenLoading earlier savesDoing a bunch of saves one day at a time with the last one on the 11th of aprilSo any ideas? I've been trying out CK2+ a bit lately, as well, and it has a lot of cool additions.

I'm disappointed that I didn't try it sooner. If you ever think normal CK2 is too easy, CK2+ will be a very welcome changeThe additional ambitions, revamped factions and tighter diplomacy options are nice, but there are 2 big things from it I really wish come through into vanilla with Old Gods:-More Titular/de-jure/culture titles. It's a lot harder to go up in rank in CK2+, but there are so many more ranks/events/claims to go for that it makes the game balance dynamic and the game flow much less determined.-Decentralization. Bigger realms are always better in normal CK, but in + you start pulling less and less levies from each vassal as your realm gets bigger, so it's not a full linear progression in strength and makes you more reliant on your vassals. It's these kinds of comments that makes me worry about moral guardians ever giving a serious look at Paradoxes's games.Well I just murdered three of my grandchildren (two boys not even a year old and a two year old girl) so the youngest genius granddaughter will inherit after my son. Now I just need to find a way to off my idiot son before I kick the bucket.On another note has anyone tried a game without vassals?

Ck2 Demesne Too Big Penalty

I'm thinking of starting in some easy place like Ireland and just not assign counties when my demense grows too big and revoke all titles from people that somehow become my vassals as soon as that happens. Since I hold all the counties personally my levy should be much larger since I'm getting the full troop numbers from each county and I won't have to deal with rebellions and pissed off vassals. Sure the reduced money from each county will be a problem at first but eventually the sheer size of my demense should more than make up for it.

Well I just murdered three of my grandchildren (two boys not even a year old and a two year old girl) so the youngest genius granddaughter will inherit after my son. Now I just need to find a way to off my idiot son before I kick the bucket.On another note has anyone tried a game without vassals?

I'm thinking of starting in some easy place like Ireland and just not assign counties when my demense grows too big and revoke all titles from people that somehow become my vassals as soon as that happens. Since I hold all the counties personally my levy should be much larger since I'm getting the full troop numbers from each county and I won't have to deal with rebellions and pissed off vassals. Sure the reduced money from each county will be a problem at first but eventually the sheer size of my demense should more than make up for it.You'll have rebels popping up due to instability, though. On another note has anyone tried a game without vassals? I'm thinking of starting in some easy place like Ireland and just not assign counties when my demense grows too big and revoke all titles from people that somehow become my vassals as soon as that happens.

Since I hold all the counties personally my levy should be much larger since I'm getting the full troop numbers from each county and I won't have to deal with rebellions and pissed off vassals. Sure the reduced money from each county will be a problem at first but eventually the sheer size of my demense should more than make up for it.It. Doesn't.Demesne events don't just hit your income levels, they also hit things like revolt risk, levies and supply limit.You'll be getting far far far less troops per holding. In a developed Ireland, if you hold 2 big duchies you can probably have around 3000 troops in your personal demesne, a total levy of around 10000 and a retinue of maybe 1500 gallowglasses. If you keep all the provinces and holdings?

Ck2 Demesne Too Big Island

You'll probably end up with around 5-6000 in total, and your income will be tanked and peasant revolts will spring up all over the place.Properly managed vassals give you a much more powerful kingdom. That's impressive, though I'm highly amused at how relatively low your score was.that system's always seemed wonky to me. How'd you manage to do all that in less than 150 years?I started as an Irish count and the Pope called for a really early crusade for Jerusalem for some reason and I decided to send my 600 men to join in the fun which somehow netted me the Kingdom of Jerusalem. I quickly used the retinue that Jerusalem provided to start conquering the rest of Ireland and then sent them and the rest of the army to the middle east to defend against the Muslims. I somehow kill the Muslim doomstacks through high martial generals and terrain and then went on a holy war spree before they managed to refresh their armies and at the same time I used mercenaries to push an invasion casus belle into England.

It just kinda snowballed from there.Oh and I got France by pushing a vassals claim and Cennetig inherited the HRE with the help of around 8 assassinations about 15-20 years into his reign which let me push really hard into the rest of Europe.Oh and at one point the ERE turned into a merchant republic and moved its capital to a coastal region and turned back to normal once I had conquered the new capital. I started as an Irish count and the Pope called for a really early crusade for Jerusalem for some reason and I decided to send my 600 men to join in the fun which somehow netted me the Kingdom of Jerusalem. I quickly used the retinue that Jerusalem provided to start conquering the rest of Ireland and then sent them and the rest of the army to the middle east to defend against the Muslims. I somehow kill the Muslim doomstacks through high martial generals and terrain and then went on a holy war spree before they managed to refresh their armies and at the same time I used mercenaries to push an invasion casus belle into England.

It just kinda snowballed from there.Oh and I got France by pushing a vassals claim and Cennetig inherited the HRE with the help of around 8 assassinations about 15-20 years into his reign which let me push really hard into the rest of Europe.Ah, crusade wackiness, that always makes for good times. Sounds like you were aggressive and bold and got rolling early; I've been much more cautious in my couple of games, I'll have to try a more imperialistic approach some time.EDIT: Thinking of crusades reminded me of the time I participated in a crusade against myself; I was the King of Italy and a good Catholic, but the HR Emperor was a got a little absurd when I raised my troops and immediately got the 'You arrive at the target of your crusade' event.

I don't know if this is a dumb question, but I started a game as the prince of Kiev, and noticed that he holds every single county in the duchy, and no vassals hate him because there are no counts. But then I took over Ryazan, and there were some counts and now EVERYONE hates me with a -100 demesne modifier, including the mayors.

So if I revoke every county will that MOSFET be taken off the mayors again? What is te best course of action, and I don't think I should hand out the counties since my demesne size is currently 2. Hand 'em out.


Search for people who are unlanded, don't have a claim on your kingdom or the duchies/counties you are keeping, have some kids who aren't themselves heirs to other things or terrible vassals, and whenever possible have the 'Content' trait, and never with the 'Ambitious' trait. Also aim for your own culture as much as possible, though the occasional count of a different culture is no big deal, especially if they are good in lots of other ways. If you have some people who fit the bill in your court or can invite them there, try to marry them strategically whenever possible too - put together Content couples to raise Content kids. When they have young kids, try to educate them yourself whenever you can, so you can raise them to be content and unambitious (and hopefully of your culture) as well. You can't hold more counties than your demesne size, no. At least that's not the normal way to play.

You can sometimes afford going 1 over for a while, but that's about it.If you revoke every county? Well, assuming that the counts don't rebel, then the mayors will all hate you at -100 and you won't get any taxes out of them, and you also won't get any taxes out of your personal demesne because of the penalties.This isn't necessarily unworkable, some people play like that (it's known as North Korea mode), but I wouldn't recommend it for newbies, at all.So just keep two counties (or marry someone with high stewardship and hope that that pushes it up to three) and hand the rest out to people who like you. Your opinions maluses are from being over your demesne limit, right? Its -10 for each over your demesne iirc. That'll be reduced with each county you give away until you go down to your demesne limit.Its a bit late since it seems you're a ways into your game. But honestly, I would have restarted upon seeing a demesne size of two. Starting as a multiduke like the prince of Kiev and having a demesne size of only two means you must have rolled an absolutely horrid stewardship score - 2 should be the lowest POSSIBLE demesne size you could have, 1 + 1 bonus from being a multi-duke.

Ck2 Demesne Too Big Bang

Like most characters, he gets random stats/traits on game start.Restarting is gamey, yeah, but it's just annoying to me how drastic the difference between low/high stewardship for your first character since vassal levies were reduced. It'd just be a pain to me to have to give out all that land and have to try to take it back from my vassals later to build up my personal demesne on future chars. Demesne is your holdings it has a limit that is determined by a few things you total kingdom stewardship ( yours + steward + 1/2 your wife or something along those lines) 1 per 10 AND your Legalism tech and rank.When you go your current limit all your vassals get -10 per holding over limit.Best course of action is to grant the cities, baronies and churches to unhanded kinsman.While you remain a duke keep all duchy titles to your self, but as soon as you make it to king give all but 1 to your kinsman. Make sure that the person you are giving it to has a county in that duchy.You should avoid going over your demesne limit, but you should also try to keep as close to the max available as well.