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Blogtrottr Dec 05 02:50AMAnti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-PinnwandAnti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-PinnwandEU violates nuclear deal with Iran: AnalystThe European Union's imposition of.Dec 5th 2013, 02:34EU violates nuclear deal with Iran: AnalystThe European Union's imposition of fresh sanctions on Iran contravenes the nuclear deal Iran signed with world powers in Geneva in November, an analyst says.' It completely violates the spirit of the agreement - I would say also the letter of the agreement,' Brian Becker told Press TV in an interview on Wednesday.He said Iran's government and nation have to 'be very mistrustful about what's actually going on because instead of actually moving towards an accommodation, showing good faith in negotiations, the United States is using lots of sticks not just carrots - the United States and Europe - in order to impose their will on Iran.' Becker said the Western governments do not intend to 'really' ease sanctions against Iran.' Blogtrottr Dec 05 02:44AMGlobal Tawheeds Facebook-PinnwandGlobal Tawheeds Facebook-PinnwandAswrwb ikwhaan,Our beloved brother Abu Imran is due in court today, and again.Dec 5th 2013, 02:02Aswrwb ikwhaan,Our beloved brother Abu Imran is due in court today, and again there is possibility of his release, so please keep him in your dua.You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed atIf you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here. Blogtrottr Dec 05 01:37AMUploads by Islamnfocus.Defence of Prophet (alayhis salam) - Shaykh Hasan AliDec 5th 2013, 00:54Defence of Prophet (alayhis salam) - Shaykh Hasan AliDefence of Prophet (alayhis salam) - Shaykh Hasan Ali This lecture has been brought to you exclusively by Hikmah.

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No Kontak Ummul Quro Muammar Za Video

Subscribe for updates on new uploads. For more information visit: inEducationYou are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed atIf you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here. Blogtrottr Dec 05 01:26AMWe, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-PinnwandWe, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand'More than 12 people have been killed with another 49 injured in violence in Tri.Dec 5th 2013, 01:18'More than 12 people have been killed with another 49 injured in violence in Tripoli, Lebanon's second largest city, since Saturday, November 30th.Assad supporters undertook a series of brutal attacks against the city's Sunni populace, culminating in the death of over 40 people in a twin bomb attack on mosques in August.' OBSERVER ALERT: Pain and Injustice in Tripoli The Revolution Observerwww.revolutionobserver.comMore than 12 people have been killed with another 49 injured in violence in Tripoli, Lebanon's second largest city, since Saturday, November 30th 1.

The present conflict however is directly tied to the conflict in Syria4, and clearly demonstrates the Lebanese government's unwillingness to addres.You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed atIf you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here. Blogtrottr Dec 05 01:17AMNo Democracys Facebook-PinnwandNo Democracys Facebook-PinnwandOBSERVER ALERT: Pain and Injustice in #Tripoli.Dec 5th 2013, 00:30OBSERVER ALERT: Pain and Injustice in #TripoliOBSERVER ALERT: Pain and Injustice in Tripoli The Revolution Observerwww.revolutionobserver.comMore than 12 people have been killed with another 49 injured in violence in Tripoli, Lebanon's second largest city, since Saturday, November 30th 1. The present conflict however is directly tied to the conflict in Syria4, and clearly demonstrates the Lebanese government's unwillingness to addres.You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed atIf you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here.

Blogtrottr Dec 04 06:42PMAl Qawlu Qawlu Sawarims Facebook-PinnwandAl Qawlu Qawlu Sawarims Facebook-Pinnwand& sucht keine Hilfe bei den Kuffar! Den die brauchen selbst Hilfe, wieso? Weil s.Dec 4th 2013, 18:06& sucht keine Hilfe bei den Kuffar! Den die brauchen selbst Hilfe, wieso? Weil sie Allah azza wa jal nicht haben darum brauchen sie auch Hilfe!! DEN NUR ALLAH KANN HELFEN!!You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed atIf you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here. Blogtrottr Dec 04 06:41PMLa hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-PinnwandLa hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-PinnwandMorgen gibt es wieder inshallah zum Thema Kalifat einige Posts.

Das streben nach.Dec 3rd 2013, 20:45Morgen gibt es wieder inshallah zum Thema Kalifat einige Posts. Das streben nach dem Kalifat und die Einheit des Kalifats werden inshallah dargelegt werden.Also schaut unbedingt wieder rein und erweitert inshallah euer Wissen mit dem Wohlwollen Allahs.P.BYou are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed atIf you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here:Blogtrottr Dec 04 06:41PMLa hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-PinnwandLa hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-PinnwandMorgen gibt es wieder inshallah zum Thema Kalifat einige Posts. Das streben nach.Dec 3rd 2013, 20:45Morgen gibt es wieder inshallah zum Thema Kalifat einige Posts. Das streben nach dem Kalifat und die Einheit des Kalifats werden inshallah dargelegt werden.Also schaut unbedingt wieder rein und erweitert inshallah euer Wissen mit dem Wohlwollen Allahs.P.BYou are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed atIf you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here. Blogtrottr Dec 05 12:58AMIm a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-PinnwandIm a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-PinnwandThe Prophet (Peace be upon him) said,'By Allah, he does not believe! By Allah.Dec 5th 2013, 00:00The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said,'By Allah, he does not believe!

By Allah, he does not believe! By Allah, he does not believe!' It was said, 'Who is that, O Allah's Apostle?'

He said, 'That person whose neighbour does not feel safe from his evil.' Saheeh Al Bukhari, Book 73, Hadith 45You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed atIf you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here. Blogtrottr Dec 05 12:54AMSons Of Sunnahs Facebook-PinnwandSons Of Sunnahs Facebook-PinnwandKhomeini was a charlatan who was handed the throne of an ancient nation by forei.Dec 4th 2013, 23:57Khomeini was a charlatan who was handed the throne of an ancient nation by foreign powers. He turned out to be more cruel and despotic than the Shah ever was in his 26-year rule.Experts on Iran always wondered why the U.S. And other Western powers delivered arms to Iran in the 1980s if they considered the regime to be its enemy?Why could Khomeini, a so called extremists according to the west, get asylum in the very west i.e. France, and on top of it flown from PARIS to TEHRAN to take over Iran. Could you ever imagine a western country giving shelter to an Islamist AND taking him with all security back to his country to to establish an Islamic state?

Something IMPOSSIBLE! The west might be an enemy of Iran, but Iran and the west are enemies of the Muslims, the Ahl Al-Sunnah. Even IF Khomeini was sincere in his stance against America, the reality is that in practice he was pawn of the U.S. And British elite. Like all tyrants, he wanted power, blood and war.The American role in the Rafidite Safavids clergy's Rise to Power:Khomeini was a mass hypnotist much like Barack Obama, George Bush, Adolf Hitler, Bibi Netanyahu and other modern political personalities who rise to the top in politics by brainwashing the masses.Once the masses come under their hypnotic control they create false conflicts and wage wars in which millions of good men are misled and sacrificed. Don't get fooled by the Iranian propaganda and read what the scholars said about Khomeini, and MORE IMPORTANTLY what Khomeini HIMSELF said in his book (behind his nifaqi slogans of Sunni-Shia unity!):You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed atIf you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here. Blogtrottr Dec 05 12:47AMAnti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-PinnwandAnti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-PinnwandS.Nasrallah:Saudis Operate Azzam Brigades, Our Presence in Syria Will be Praised.Dec 5th 2013, 00:39S.Nasrallah:Saudis Operate Azzam Brigades, Our Presence in Syria Will be PraisedLocal EditorHezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan NasrallahHezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stated Tuesday that the Iranian nuclear deal has had significant implications, expressing beliefs that the first winners are the peoples of our region.'

There were regional and international parties during the past years, pushing towards war on Iran. This option is neither easy nor simple, because Iran is not a weak or isolated state. This option had serious implications on the region,' Sayyed Nasrallah stated during a live interview on the local OTV channel.' First implication was to delay the war on Iran,' his eminence said, ruling out that the Zionist entity may strike the Iranian nuclear facilities without the American green light, while assuring that such a deal will not leave negative impacts on Lebanon or Syria.Sayyed Nasrallah also pointed out that the Iran-P5+1 nuclear deal has devoted new reality of multi-polarization, where no single state is ruling the world anymore.'

Multi-polarization leadership in the world prevents international domination and dictatorship and gives margins for the third world countries,' his eminence elaborated.The U.S. Foreign PolicySayyed Nasrallah stated that there are huge turning points in the U.S. World policy, highlighting that even though the nuclear deal is interim, yet some people have rushed to say that it is a deal between the Valiye Faqih (Islamic Republic of Iran) and the great Satan (The United States).' The US war on Iraq had doomed to failure. In Afghanistan, the U.S. Reached a deadlock.

In Lebanon and Gaza, the new Middle East also failed. They are failing so far in Syria. Iran has endured sanctions and they (the U.S.) were unable to topple the regime.

On the contrary, the financial and economic situation in the U.S. And European countries is critical. Thus there is new U.S.-European situation,' his eminence expressed.Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan NasrallahJustifying the American sponsorship for the Iran-P5+1 deal, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the Americans do not want to engage in a war, and they are sick of wars. Therefore, a door for nuclear deal has been opened and an interim deal was set.' Americans requested to tackle more files while negotiating the nuclear issue, while Iranians wanted to tackle the nuclear file only.

Iranians have no interest in putting all files on table and they insisted on negotiating the nuclear case alone,' his eminence said.Hezbollah Secretary General indicated that Iran has stated for long that its political view towards the U.S. Differs from that towards the Zionist entity, and that's why the Iranian position on Israel is definite and has not changed.' Iranians were saying that when the Americans admitted our rights and be ready to give the peoples of the region theirs', we will be ready then for dialogue with them,' Sayyed Nasrallah made it clear.' There is a U.S. Shift but the Iranian party still stands in place. It is too early to taclk about normalization between the two countries and there are a lot of pending files. Blogtrottr Dec 05 12:47AMAnti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-PinnwandAnti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand(Untitled)Dec 5th 2013, 00:46 Syria News (EN) Saudis which fight in Syria came with knowledge of Saudi Syria News (EN) #BasharalJaafari: 'Saudis mercenaries/terrorists, which fight in Syria, came with knowledge of Saudi intelligence'.

#Terrori.You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed atIf you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here. Blogtrottr Dec 04 06:48PMtauhid - Social MentionHAMAS, Citra Ideal Yang Hancur Sebuah artikel yang memuat kisah perjalanan HAMAS, dari sebuah jama'ah jihad yang banyak dikagumi hingga akhirnya terpuruk dan memudar citra idealnya. Ditulis oleh Abdullah Haidar Sha'i dengan judul asli, Hamas Shattering Image seorang Jurnalis Independen Internasional yang mengkhususkan menganalisis gerakan-gerakan Islam. Berikut kami hadirkan kembali setelah di alih bahasakan oleh Forum Islam At-Tawbah, dengan editor Abu Muhammad Al Muwahhid. Semoga bermanfaat! Prolog Dahulu, di masa dua Syaikh, yaitu Ahmad Yassin dan ar Rantisi (semoga Allah menyayangi mereka), berita dari Palestina yang sampai kepada kita adalah, 'Sebuah roket telah ditembakkan ke wilayah Sedirot, dan Brigade al Qassam menyatakan bertanggung jawab atasnya', 'Sebuah operasi istisyhad telah terjadi di sebuah kafe di Talabeeb dan al Qassam menyatakan bertanggung jawab atasnya'. Blogtrottr Dec 04 06:49PMnasheed - Social MentionDRP announces rebrand effortDec 4th 2013, 20:46Minivan News - Found 10 hours agoNasheed said the party would offer MVR200,000 (US$ 12903) for the re-brand effort.

Applications will be accepted up until December 15. Nasheed.Daru nasha badhata hai nashe se junun junun se mehanat mehanat se paisa paise se izat is liye izat badhaneke liye daru pina bahut jaru ri hai#####Dec 4th 2013, 18:48Have you purchased your 2014 Blue Ridge Parkway Calendar yet? Blogtrottr Dec 04 06:48PMsharia - Social Mentionwhen will the people of europe wake up and realize that muslims and their islamic religion and shariah law runs counter to everything that the countries of europe stand for. Though these monsters have been caught and convicted, remember, there have been many more muslim monsters now in jail. Have any muslim or muslim group in europe ever denounced these monsters?

This foreboding silence already gives you a clue as to what their aims are. That of the total subjugation of the united kingdom. And they have no qualms of making it known to everyone. Rise up people of europe!!!

Wake up to the danger of islam and its shariah law. Do not deport these monsters nor extradite them to a muslim country that would only hail them as heroes. Do not deport nor extradite these monsters to any other country which they would use as a waypoint to return to a muslim country. Peta palestina dan sekitarnya en. Why do you allow them to block your streets for their ritual prayers? Why do you allow them to stage protests proclaiming their true intention of subjugating the world? Why do you allow them to form religious / shariah vigilantes in your own streets? Why do you allow them to rape your women and children?

I will post this repeatedly and i will say it over and over again, the insanity and evil of islam invented by their insane sociopathic, mysogynistic, pedophile prophet named muhammad and its evil allah. Muslims unabashedly proclaim their true intentions of subjugating the world. Don't delude yourselves into believing otherwise. So-called moderate muslims would delude you into thinking and believing they are a religion of peace. They do this under the doctrine of taqqiya. The doctrine of taqqiya instructs all muslims to lie, cheat, deceive and lull you into complacency so they can subjugate or destroy you.

DON'T BE DECEIVED!!! RESIST ISLAMIC EXPANSION AND SHARIA LAW FROM BEING INTRODUCED AS PART OF THE LAWS OF THE LAND. Islam: What the West needs to know (full documentary)Dec 4th 2013, 18:48Well this one takes serious intellectual twisting. Will the British authorities ban the quranic texts that call for jihad? ' These devout.uh 'extremist' Muslims are quoting quran, hadith, and sura chapter and verse. It is pure Islam, authentic Islam.

How does the clumsy and clueless CameronAnother milestone achieved by upa govt, sharia law in mallapuram distt in kerala,Dec 4th 2013, 18:46#breaking - Libyens Parlament beschliesst die Sharia als Gesetzesgrundlage!Dec 4th 2013, 18:46Sharia party and never national party.Dec 4th 2013, 18:45Is APC Apologizing Peoples Congress? BUHARI - I am sorry for sending Akande to jail EL RUFAI - I am sorry for making mockery of Jesus Christ. RIBADU - I am sorry for saying Tinubu is the most corrupt public officer I have come across in my life EL RUFAI - I am sorry for saying Buhari was perpetually unelectable FASHOLA - I am sorry for deporting Igbos from Lagos FANI KAYODE - I am sorry for the statement I made about Bianca OKOROCHA - I am sorry for signing abortion bill to law OSHIOMHOLE - I am sorry for commanding the poor widow to go and die I pity for this party. LolEDL Mission Statement (3) The world is a dangerous place to live in; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.

– Albert Einstein, refugee from Nazi Germany People have been asking what the EDL is all about, what does it want to achieve, how will it achieve those things? Well now the English Defence League has a Mission Statement (1) HUMAN RIGHTS: Protecting And Promoting Human Rights The English Defence League (EDL) is a human rights organisation that was founded in the wake of the shocking actions of a small group of Muslim extremists who, at a homecoming parade in Luton, openly mocked the sacrifices of our service personnel without any fear of censure. Although these actions were certainly those of a minority, we believe that they reflect other forms of religiously-inspired intolerance and barbarity that are thriving amongst certain sections of the Muslim population in Britain: including, but not limited to, the denigration and oppression of women, the molestation of young children, the committing of so-called honour killings, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and continued support for those responsible for terrorist atrocities. Whilst we must always protect against the unjust assumption that all Muslims are complicit in or somehow responsible for these crimes, we must not be afraid to speak freely about these issues.

This is why the EDL will continue to work to protect the inalienable rights of all people to protest against radical Islam's encroachment into the lives of non-Muslims. We also recognise that Muslims themselves are frequently the main victims of some Islamic traditions and practices. The Government should protect the individual human rights of members of British Muslims. It should ensure that they can openly criticise Islamic orthodoxy, challenge Islamic leaders without fear of retribution, receive full equality before the law (including equal rights for Muslim women), and leave Islam if they see fit, without fear of censure. British Muslims should be able to safely demand reform of their religion, in order to make it more relevant to the needs of the modern world and more respectful of other groups in society. It is important that they completely reject the views of those who believe that Islam should be taken in its 'original', 7th century form, because these interpretations are the antithesis of Western democracy.

The onus should be on British Muslims to overcome the problems that blight their religion and achieve nothing short of an Islamic reformation. In line with this, we should do all that we can to empower those who are willing to take this path. We must also ensure that they do not fear reprisals from those who, in line with these 7th century interpretations, would force sharia law upon them. The EDL calls upon the Government to repeal legislation that prevents effective freedom of speech, for freedom of speech is essential if the human rights abuses that sometimes manifest themselves around Islam are to be stopped. We believe that the proponents of radical Islam have a stranglehold on British Muslims. These radicals dominate Muslim organisations, remain key figures in British mosques, and are steadily increasing their influence. Radical Islam keeps British Muslims fearful and isolated, especially the women that it encases in the Burqa.

It misrepresents their views, stifles freedom of expression, and indoctrinates their children, whilst continually doing a discredit to those who do wish to peacefully co-exist with their fellow Britons. (2) DEMOCRACY AND THE RULE OF LAW: Promoting Democracy And The Rule Of Law By Opposing Sharia The European Court of Human Rights has declared that 'sharia is incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy'. Despite this, there are still those who are more than willing to accommodate sharia norms, and who believe that sharia can operate in partnership with our existing traditions and customs. In reality, sharia cannot operate fully as anything other than a complete alternative to our existing legal, political, and social systems. It is a revolution that this country does not want, and one that it must resist. Sharia is most definitely a threat to our democracy. The operation of Islamic courts, the often unreasonable demand that Islam is given more respect than it is due, and the stealthy incursion of halal meat into the food industry, all demonstrate that sharia is already creeping into our lives.

Resentment is already beginning to grow, and could create dangerous divisions if nothing is done. The primacy of British courts must be maintained and defended, fair criticism of religious and political ideologies must be permitted, and consumers must be provided with the information necessary to avoid halal produce should they wish. Restaurants and fast food chains that do offer halal options should offer non-halal alternatives as well, in order to show respect for other people's religions, customs, and possible concerns about animal welfare issues (surrounding ritual slaughter). No one should be made to consume halal produce unwittingly, so it must always be labeled – in supermarkets, in restaurants, in schools, and in hospitals – wherever it is available. Free choice in these matters is, after all, a fundamental human right for everybody, not just the Muslim community. Sharia law makes a fundamental distinction between Muslims and non-Muslims, and the EDL will never allow this sort of iniquitous apartheid to take root in our country.

No Kontak Ummul Quro Muammar Za

The EDL will therefore oppose sharia appeasement in all its forms, and will actively work to eradicate the sharia-compliant behaviours that are already being adopted, and enforced, in our society. (3) PUBLIC EDUCATION: Ensuring That The Public Get A Balanced Picture Of Islam A central part of the EDL's mission is public education. The British political and media establishment have, for a long time, been presenting a very sanitised and therefore inaccurate view of Islam, shaped by the needs of policy-makers rather than the needs of the public. This has acted as a barrier to informed policy-making and made finding the solution to real problems impossible.

In pursuing this self-defeating and destructive policy, the Government has effectively been acting as the propaganda arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. Whether or not is aware of the predicament that it has put itself in, it has so far failed to honestly admit its failures. We are committed to a campaign of public education to ensure that all aspects of Islam that impact on our society can debated in an open and honest way.

Demonisation of Muslims, or of Islam's critics, adds nothing to the debate. We believe that only by looking at all the facts can society be most effectively and humanly governed. If there are aspects of Muslim tradition that encourage the activities of Islamic radicals and criminals then these need to be properly addressed without fear of accusations of racism, xenophobia, or the even the disingenuous term 'Islamophobia'. The public must be provided with a more realistic and less sanitised view of Islam that allows it to ensure that decision-makers are held to account for their policy-making choices, choices that affect the harmony and security of the nation. The EDL promotes the understanding of Islam and the implications for non-Muslims forced to live alongside it. Islam is not just a religious system, but a political and social ideology that seeks to dominate all non-believers and impose a harsh legal system that rejects democratic accountability and human rights. It runs counter to all that we hold dear within our British liberal democracy, and it must be prepared to change, to conform to secular, liberal ideals and laws, and to contribute to social harmony, rather than causing divisions.

(4) RESPECTING TRADITION: Promoting The Traditions And Culture Of England While At The Same Time Being Open To Embrace The Best That Other Cultures Can Offer The EDL believes that English Culture has the right to exist and prosper in England. We recognise that culture is not static, that over time changes take place naturally, and that other cultures make contributions that make our shared culture stronger and more vibrant. However, this does not give license to policy-makers to deliberately undermine our culture and impose non-English cultures on the English people in their own land. If people migrate to this country then they should be expected to respect our culture, its laws, and its traditions, and not expect their own cultures to be promoted by agencies of the state.

The best of their cultures will be absorbed naturally and we will all be united by the enhanced culture that results. The onus should always be on foreign cultures to adapt and integrate. If said cultures promote anti-democratic ideas and refuse to accept the authority of our nation's laws, then the host nation should not be bowing to these ideas in the name of 'cultural sensitivity'.

Law enforcement personnel must be able to enforce the rule of law thoroughly without prejudice or fear. Everyone, after all, is supposed to be equal in the eyes of the law. The EDL is therefore keen to draw its support from people of all races, all faiths, all political persuasions, and all lifestyle choices. Under its umbrella, all people in England, whatever their background, or origin, can stand united in a desire to stop the imposition of the rules of Islam on non-believers.

In order to ensure the continuity of our culture and its institution.

As someone living with fragile bone disorder since she was a kid, odds were always against Ummul Kher. When she was 14, her parents disowned her because she wanted to study beyond Class 8. What took her ahead was sheer merit and determination as she went on to get admission in a prestigious Delhi University college and later entered JNU for her master’s. This week she cracked the civil services exam in her first attempt.Ummul Kher, 28, got all India rank 420. She now hopes to get IAS under disability quota.Kher, who has received 16 fractures and eight surgeries due to her disease, came to from Rajasthan when she was around five years old. Her father then worked as street vendor selling clothes near Hazrat Nizamuddin while the family lived in a nearby slum.Kher took admission in Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya Institute for The Physically Handicapped, where she studies till Class 5.

She later went to Amar Jyoti Charitable Trust where she studied till Class 8. “It was a charitable organisation run by the government and I didn’t have to pay anything. Though getting one square meal was difficult, I was satisfied that I could at least study,” she said.Life was difficult, but what came after that was “both difficult and painful” as Kher puts it.“I wanted to study at Arwachin Bharti Bhawan senior secondary school as it had better infrastructure and I had got a scholarship,” she said. But her parents were against it.

They said that if she studied any further they will sever ties with her. “I was abused. My intentions were questioned because I wanted to study. It was the worst time.

They said you have now got more education than a girl should,” she said. She left home and took up a place in Jhuggi Jhopri (JJ) Cluster, Trilokpuri, for which she paid out of the money she earned from tuitions — a decision she feels was more difficult than cracking the civil services exam.“I had started taking tuitions but living independently meant I had to earn more money. From few children the tuitions expanded to four batches — 3pm to 5pm, then from 5pm to 7pm, 7pm to 9pm and 9pm to 11 in the night. These were mostly children from slum areas and I got between Rs 50-100 from each student. I couldn’t have expected more as these were children of labourers, iron smith, rickshaw-pullers etc,” she added.“Besides, for a girl to live alone in a jhuggi was sometimes traumatic. It was never safe but I had no choice,” she said.

Sehnag Begum, who lives in Trilokpuri where Kher lived for around three years said, “She is a brave child. She lived alone but my daughter used to sleep with her because it is not safe for a girl to live alone.” In return, Kher gave her free tuitions, Begum said.After Class 8, Kher’s education was backed by Amar Jyoti Charitable Trust. They helped her as and when required and also financed her tuition for Class 9 and 10.Kher scored 91% in Class 12 and got admission in Gargi College where she continued to fund her education through tuitions. Kher’s friend from DU, Abhishek Ranjan, recalls her difficult college days, “She funded her education through the money she won at debates in DU colleges. You can earn decent money as the prize amount is high in some of the college festivals. But here too, she could not participate in debates that were organised in evening as she had to take tuitions,” he said. In 2012, she met a small accident and was confined to a wheelchair for a year due to her bone disorder.After finishing her graduation, Kher cleared JNU entrance exam for master’s in International Studies.

She was now getting Rs 2,000 means-cum-merit scholarship and did not have to give tuitions. In 2013, she cracked the Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) under which she started getting Rs 25,000 per month.Archna Upadhyay, a faculty member at JNU’s School of International Studies said the result was not surprising. “Despite her physical challenges she was always at a par with other students and excelled in both academics and extracurricular activities,” Upadhyay said.