Frostfall Hypothermia Camping Survival Rating: 4,0/5 45 reviews

As your temperature drops, you will start to shiver because it is your body’s automatic defense against cold weather. But having the knowledge on how to prevent hypothermia before it gets you is the best protection a survivalist can have. So with that being said, here’s a list of things you need to keep in mind to avoid hypothermia. This is an uber immersion mod. It provides a system of danger to the weather and survival in Skyrim. Now when it is cold (which it usually is in Skyrim) you need to warm up and dress appropriately. When there is a blizzard your vision is impaired and much more. If you really like immersion, then you. Melanie Swick (a.k.a. Survival Chick) grew up wanting to be a rocket scientist, but when she realized she that required way too much math, she took to her second dream—spending time in the wilderness. Today, when she's not hiking, camping, or hunting, she's blogging about it. You can connect with Melanie on Facebook.

  1. Frostfall Hypothermia Camping Survival Kit
  2. Frostfall Hypothermia Camping Survival Guide
  3. Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival Rus

Ohhh going to test the latest release now!I've had a couple more ideas so I'm just going to write them down.- Rain and getting wet/soaked. Idea: use troll fat to make an item water-repellent (to some extent).

Frostfall hypothermia camping survival kit

This could be used to create a rain coat, for example, if applied to a cloak or hood. I like the idea of making use of items that are already in the game.Anyway, thanks for responding to my earlier comments and, of course, MAJOR KUDOS for your mod and all your work! I'm curious about the latest update, so I'm going to install that now!. @Snotgurg - I was hoping someone would catch this some day. Check the publication date of the book, and compare it toWhat actually happens in terms of ill effects once your EP runs low?

The effects of frigid water are pretty clear, but what negative effects will you suffer on land and being cold?If you're a vampire, none of the following affect you other than the movement penalties.At 79 EP and below, you'll start to take a hit to your health, magicka, and stamina regen. At 60EP and below, many of your stats will start to drop. Lockpicking and Pickpocketing are the most heavily affected. The effect becomes more severe as you go below 40EP, adding on movement penalties. Below 20EP, you're at -100 Lockpicking and Pickpocketing, and -60 almost everywhere else. At 0EP, you die (unless you happen to be a vampire).Edited by Chesko, 12 April 2012 - 03:07 PM. What's the reason for handling that separately?Mechanically speaking, cloaks are supplementary to torches and food; they grant a Resist Exposure bonus, regardless of whether or not you decide to use WEAR.Exposure Resistance and Exposure Protection (from worn equipment) are separate concepts, which is hard to get across (especially since I don't show the user this number).

The analogy I would use would be the difference between Shock Resist, and physical Defense; no matter how much defense you have, you can still be hurt. Shock Resistance, at 100%, would nullify Shock damage completely. Exposure Resist works the same way (though, I've ensured that you can never get 100%).What would help delineate these ideas? Should they even be delineated? Should I wrap this up into one big number, and just show the user that? Percentages are nice because it has a known, defined range; 0 to 100%.

If I start making up numbers like 'You have 300 exposure protection!' , that number doesn't mean anything because I don't know what the range is.The player needs a character sheet to look at, or something.

Something to say, 'You're at 3 / 5 Exposure Protection, and you have 20% Exposure Resistance'. Something to total everything up and show you how you're doing.Edited by Chesko, 12 April 2012 - 03:52 PM. The new WEAR system rework seems to be working fantastically!

You were right when you said WEAR updates are instant now.Using Frostfall 1.6 Release Candidate 2, along with Alternate Start - Live another life, Scriptdragon and 3 of its mods, and SKSE, I may have found some more small bugs. I will admit, some of these are probably inconsequential. At times, I've intentionally tried to break your mod functionality so I don't know how often these issues would pop up in normal play. Also, I don't know if some of these problems are associated only with WATER FX shaders, and therefore cannot be fixed without OpticShooter.WATER FX-If the you are in first person, and jump in and out of water, you can see the evaporation effects. However, if you then switch to third person, you still see the evaporation effects but do not see the dripping water effects. If you jump in and out again remaining in third person, the dripping water effect returns in addition to the evaporation effects.-When wet in very cold weather and the player gets increasingly colder, the normal player cold visual effects (character gets progressively bluer, screen gets blurrier) do not show, while the WET FX still continue. I did not test what happens when you already have these cold visual effects and you then jump into water.-When wet in very cold weather, the steam evaporation effect still shows.-Is there a difference in betweeen damp and wet WATER FX?

I personally don't see much of a difference if there is one.FROSTFALL SHUTDOWN/ACTIVATION-If you are wet and shut down Frostfall, you become indefinitely wet (with the appropriate WATER FX) - even if you are near a fire source. If you reactivate Frostfall while in the permanent wet condition, you can successfully remove it again by being close to fire.-You can still access the Survival Skills power when Frostfall is shutdown. Was this to allow the player to use the camping equipment system without the EP system?-The 'water check' system when using the Survival Skills power is deactivated when Frostfall is deactivated. Meaning, it is then possible to sit down when wading/swimming in water when using Survival Skills again. This results in the possibility of getting permanently frozen and stuck with nothing but the escape menu functioning.-This is very minor.but when deactivating Frostfall, the selection options are 'Yes-Shutdown' and 'No-Back.'

When activating Frostfall the selection options are 'Activate Frostfall' and 'No-Back.' Just a minor inconsistency.CAMPFIRES-You can create campfires that are underwater. You can light underwater campfires from shore. (I guess it helps create a homey atmosphere for Argonians)-Extinguished campfires have the same collision as lit campfires. Meaning, the player floats above non-existent firewood when walking over an extinguished fire pit.-Can you create campfires when it's raining?-I saw no mention of how long campfires last in the Help topics. I may have missed it, but how long do they last?-How many undestroyed campfire pits can you create?

If it is infinite, will this be a problem if the player continues to forget to destroy campfires in the course of the game?COMMENTS/PERSONAL SUGGESTIONS (I don't know if they're possible or not)-The player is still cold when arriving to a fast traveling destination of differing climate. (Probably something you can't change)-The player is still wet when arriving to a distant fast traveling destination (Probably something you can't change)-You can sit down and use Survival Skills in shallow water, even if the player becomes completely submerged.-Using default exposure rates and walking around naked in Winterhold, the player dies in 15 seconds - which equates to approximately 1.5 to 2 minutes of in-game time.

I don't know if that is too severe or not when comparing to real-life.-Maybe have EP loss in frigid cold water when walking through it, even if not completely wading or swimming in it.Again, thanks for your work in Frostfall. 1.6 is looking pretty awesome!Edited by Jagman, 12 April 2012 - 08:24 PM. Amazing testing Jagman. Let me edit this post and comment on these.At times, I've intentionally tried to break your mod functionalityGood!WATER FX1 - Unfortunately this is a technical restriction.2 - I'll look into this. I may be able to make the frost shader a higher 'priority' but, no promises.3 - This is a technical restriction. Thankfully there is some for such a thing.

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From a modern day armor enthusiast:I was just notified by my beautiful wife to be that I have worn my armour down to around 20/25 degrees F. I was ok in this weather, little brisk in the voids, also, my soft kit is not wool, it's linen, however, the metal was very cold to other people touching it, and I would start to steam if I walked next to the fire some people had going.4 - Not yet. There will be. OpticShooter gave me permission to tweak it; tweak it I shall. I also feel like it's a bit too opaque looking in dark lighting conditions.FROSTFALL SHUTDOWN/ACTIVATION1 - I forgot to add an entry to remove the new wetness spells when shutting down. Thanks.2 - That's correct. Frostfall can act as a stand-alone camping mod when deactivated.3 - I'll check on this.

Good catch.4 - No, these are the kinds of things that bother me. Changed to 'Yes-Activate'.CAMPFIRES1 - This is a technical restriction. I have little to no ways of detecting water via scripting unfortunately.2 - This is a technical restriction.

Frostfall Hypothermia Camping Survival Kit

Disabled objects keep their collision boxes until the cell is reloaded.3 - Yes, and I agree that it would probably be more interesting if you couldn't. I may look into it.4 - Currently, 6 hours.5 - Infinite, but campfires delete themselves after 48 in-game hours. Other supplies like tents do not do this.COMMENTS1 - I should have some code to handle this, but my fast travel determination code is historically inaccurate (hence the removal of the Fire Kit cost). I'm not surprised if this is still happening. I'll take a look at it, but I don't think there's much I can do. I do believe, however, that I will restore your EP to 100 when traveling via carriage.2 - I used to have code to handle this, and I guess I forgot to implement a new set of code to handle multi-stage wetness.

Previously, you dry out in an hour no matter what; now, you dry off at a certain rate and the speed at which you get wet is variable on whether or not it's a drizzle or a storm. Either way, I'll fix this.3 - See Campfires, issue 1.4 - Naked in a blizzard, I can see that. If using WEAR, wearing a full set of even Limited protection equipment extends your time out to 2.5 minutes with no other bonuses. So I do want to drive home the idea that you need to be wearing /something/, without it feeling ridiculous. I may think about elevating this time up to, say, 30 seconds to a minute in the future.5 - See Campfires, issue 1.Again, amazing testing, thank you!

All of the changes here are very low-risk, so I don't see a problem rolling them into the general release version without another beta.Edited by Chesko, 12 April 2012 - 07:21 PM. Okay I really want to download and test the RC2 with a new game I started. But will it overwrite anything from 1.5.1 which is what I'm using for all my other save games?When I want to play those other games (and protect them from corruption), what do i do? Disable the 1.6 beta and re-enable 1.5.1?Can NMM be used for this?If someone could please walk me through the safe procedure for that I'd be grateful.Also, I asked before but should I disable Optishooters original WetFX shader mod before installing 1.6? Or will that matter?Edited by Lumenbeing, 12 April 2012 - 07:18 PM.

Frostfall Hypothermia Camping Survival Guide

Was first released in 2011 on the previous console generation and PC, and to say it was a great game would be an understatement. It won countless awards and is almost always high ranking in Top 100 Best Games Lists. Spawning countless memes, and the various strange glitches we could manipulate, Skyrim is great and fun. Fans of the game helped push Skyrim to new heights, with a strong modding community on PC.Due to the game's on-going popularity, we were blessed with a gorgeously overhauled newer, shinier Skyrim, bringing mod support to consoles for the first time. Here are our favorites. This award winning, critically acclaimed mod is, basically, a fan made expansion bordering on official DLC quality realms of brilliance.


With this installed, from level 5 your character will be approached by a courier who directs you to the Forgotten City. What follows is a six-to-eight-hour original and non-linear experience, in an incredibly intricate and beautiful new city. Even boasting complex moral decisions with consequences, and several different endings, it would be a shame to miss out on such beautifully crafted modding!Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival. If you wanted to turn Skyrim into a potentially fatal survival game, Frostfall would be the mod to do it. The three main components of this mod are hypothermia, cold water survival, and camping. This mod tracks everything from time of day, and weather to what you are wearing to create an immediately immersive experience. Your character can visibly become wet and snowy.

It is also deeply customizable, making the experience as pleasant or unpleasant as you feel comfortable with. It adds new attributes to your character, Wetness and Exposure, and defenses for Warmth and Coverage. As you get colder, it raises your Exposure, and your skills suffer as a result; and when you are Wet, it increases your Exposure quicker. Warmth will always reduce Exposure, and Coverage decreases Wetness. You'll need the following mod to implement the effects of this fully.Hardcore Difficulty - No Milkdrinkers! Couple this with Frostfall, and you've pretty much got yourself a Skyrim/The Sims cross-over. If keeping your Dragonborn alive wasn't hard enough, you'll now also have to make sure they're well rested, and well fed and watered.

Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival Rus

Messages appear to keep you informed of your status, as well as sound effects so you hear your stomach rumbling. The heavier the food, the more filling it is, and you'll begin the game with a waterskin but they can be crafted and purchased if you need more.Just Walk - No Fast Travel. There are other cheat mods available, and this certainly isn't the tidiest but I selected this one in particular due to one of the additional things it does. This mod spawns a book on a stool that you can find at the Standing Stones just after you escape from Helgen on your way to Riverwood.


Selecting the book adds a spell to the Restoration section of your magic, which is the cheat menu. You can fast level, or add items and money, etc. But you can also turn off collision detection, enabling you to bypass entire sections of the map just by aiming into the sky while you walk! See my personal screenshot above of this in action! The good thing about this cheat mod is that it only requires a free spell to launch.Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.

The most comprehensive mod for straightening out all the bugs, kinks and glitches left in the game post-release. Made to be compatible with as many mods as possible, you'll want to install this for a cleaner and less messy game. The fact we still need an unofficial patch is rather laughable, though.Over to you!The list of mods available on Xbox One is still growing, and there are more being added daily.

Have we missed any already that you think should be on this list? Sound off in the comments and let us know!Updated on June 01, 2018: We refreshed the list, fixing any redirect issues with Bethesda moving pages and removing/adding mods.This post may contain affiliate links. See our for more details.